The story follows Tо̄suke Rokudо̄, a timid high school boy who gets bullied by delinquents. He receives a scroll from his late grandfather, leaving a mark on his forehead. The mark's effect causes a delinquent girl named Ranna Himawari to fall in love with him.
Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo (2015)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Are We Done Yet? (2007)
Prince of Peoria (Season 1) (2018)
Obliterated (2023)
The Perfect Date (2019)
Best Bet (2007)
A Pillow Case Of Mystery (2006)
New Kids Turbo (2010)
Marilyn's Eyes (2022)
Sunny Bunnies (Season 1) (2015)
Yoh! Christmas (2023)
Pokemon (1997)
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